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The seventh habit of highly effective salespeople: Sharpen the saw

“The more we see people in terms of their unseen potential, the more we can use our imagination rather than our memory.” [Stephen Covey]

This one is a real paradox; it’s something we all love to do, yet rarely allow ourselves to do it.

Sharpening the saw focuses on taking time out to renew ourselves in every way; physically, spiritually, mentally and socially.

For most people, time is short and is spent in the pursuit of commitments and pleasures. But what about caring for your greatest asset – yourself?

As a human being, you need to nurture and exercise your different dimensions so that you don’t become exhausted or ineffective. Here’s a few tips on how to renew and refresh yourself:

Physical self-care

The impact of continuous physical improvement is to exercise your body in a way that will enhance your capacity to work, adapt, and enjoy. 

To renew yourself physically, you must:

• Eat well
• Get sufficient rest and relaxation
• Exercise on a regular basis to build endurance, flexibility, and strength

Focusing on the physical dimension helps develop Habit 1 muscles of proactivity; you act based on the value of well-being instead of reacting to the forces that keep you from fitness.

Spiritual self-care

The goal of renewing your spiritual self is to provide leadership to your life and reinforce your commitment to your values. 

To renew yourself spiritually, you can: 

• Practice daily meditation or prayer
• Communicate with nature
• Immerse yourself in great literature or music

A focus on your spiritual dimension helps in the practice of Habit 2, as you continuously revise and commit yourself to your values so that you can begin with the end in mind.

Mental self-care

The goal of renewing your mental health is to continue expanding your mind. 

To renew yourself mentally, you can: 

• Read good literature
• Keep a journal of your thoughts, experiences, and insights
• Limit television watching to only those programs that enrich your life and mind

Focusing on your mental dimension helps in the practice of Habit 3 by managing yourself effectively to maximize the use of your time and resources.

You’re reading an article from the Borg & Overström Academy programme.

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